Anatomie Studio is an education and community-focused space for the practice of shibari, or kinbaku (Japanese rope bondage) in London, UK. It is a sex and kink-positive, consent-focused space founded in 2015 by Anna Bones and Fred Hatt.
They have been preparing and selling rope in the studio since opening, and in 2016, they launched an online store to make their ropes accessible to those outside their local community.
All ropes at Anatomie Studio are lovingly hand-treated by a dedicated team.
We have a discount code for 10% off at Shibari Store for rope products.
Learning resources
Shibari Study
Explore hundreds of Shibari tutorials and start your rope education at home and at your own pace. Learn Shibari with world-class instructors.
The Duchy
TheDuchy is recognized as one of the oldest and friendliest online platforms for learning about rope bondage.
Their emphasis lies in education rather than titillation, ensuring a safe environment for learning techniques without the distraction of sexual imagery. Any sections containing explicit images are clearly labeled.
Bondage Tuition
Bondage Tuition, curated by prominent UK rope educator Christian Red, serves as a central hub for knowledge on kink and rope-related practices. It offers instructional guides, kink profiles, and discussions on various BDSM topics.
The Rope Bottom Guide
Despite what the title may suggest, this PDF is packed with valuable insights for both those assuming the role of rope bottoms and those taking on the role of tops. It's highly recommended as essential reading for beginners by many in the community.